Learn How To Redeem Your Google Ads Credit

Google Ads credit – What it is and what to do with it

So, you’re probably here because you got something in either your physical or virtual mailbox notifying you that Google is giving you money to advertise on Google. This probably piqued your interest since you ended up here. So, let’s get started.

What exactly is Google Ads?

Well, Google Ads is the platform one can use to advertise on Google. There are many types of ads from text ads, product ads, Google Maps ads, display ads, and a lot more. You can promote your online presence, re-engage customers, and sell your products or services all within the Google Ads platform.

What is a Google Ads credit?

Basically, it’s free advertising money. Google is incentivizing you to give them a shot as an advertising platform. The offers vary slightly but usually they’re offering to match any money you spend on their platform dollar-for-dollar up until a certain amount.

Can I use a Google Ads credit if I’m already a Google Ads customer?

More than likely, yes. I always recommend trying to use the credit and see if Google gives you an error message. You can add the credit to your account by logging into your Google Ads account and following the steps below (pictured):

  1. In the top navigation menu click on “Tools & Settings”.
  2. In the sub-menu that appears go to the last column “Billing” and click on “Billing Summary”.
  3. Once you reach the Billing & Payment screen, go to the left side navigation menu and click on “Promotional Codes”.
  4. On the Promotional Codes screen look for a “Add a promotional code” box and enter your Google Ads credit promotional code.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Track the progress of your promotional code and other details including expiration date.
    google ads promo code screen and tutorial

I’m lost, can I get help with Google Ads?

Absolutely. Learn from the best by setting up a consultation with Data Lumination. We can assist in setting up your account and even manage your digital advertising. Visit our google ads consulting page for more information.

Did you find success with redeeming your GoogleAds credit? Tell us about it in the comments.

Written by Mikhail Cherniss

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